Becoming a Farmer
AltFarms simplifies the process of earning rewards through staking with the following steps:
Last updated
AltFarms simplifies the process of earning rewards through staking with the following steps:
Last updated
Select a Farm: Browse the available farms and choose one based on your preferred staking token and reward options
Connect Wallet: If you haven't already, connect your wallet and ensure that you're on the correct network
Approve Contract: Enter the desired amount of tokens in the main widget and approve the AltFarm contract
Stake Tokens: Once approved, click the "Stake" button to begin the farming process
An access fee (up to $10 USD) may apply
This fee is waived for $CTRL holders
After staking, your tokens may enter a warmup period
During this period tokens are locked and not yet earning rewards
This period ensures that only committed stakers earn rewards
Start Earning: Once you enter the farming period, your tokens will start earning rewards
Rewards accrue based on the duration and amount staked
Rewards are in the form of ERC-20 tokens
Monitor Your Position: Track your staked tokens and accrued rewards through the token's AltFarm dashboard
Claim Rewards: Claim your rewards by clicking the Harvest button in the main widget or the πΎ button in the positions section
You can claim your rewards at any time after the warmup period
Rewards can be also be compounded to increase your staked amount
Compound Rewards: Compound your rewards by clicking the Compound button in the main widget or the β»οΈ button in the positions section
Compounding only works if the staking and reward tokens are the same
Stay Updated: Keep an eye on farm updates and notifications to make informed decisions about your staked tokens
We provide every project with a staking bot that notifies their Telegram group of important staking events
It's up to the Token Pilot to decide whether they want to implement the bot
Stop Farming: Request to stop the farming process by clicking the Withdraw button or the βΈοΈ button in the positions section
You may have to wait to stop farming if there is a minimum staking period
Both actions will stop the farming process and initiate the cooldown period
During the cooldown period, your tokens are prepared for release
This ensures an orderly process for unstaking
If there is no cooldown deadline, the Withdraw button will also close your position
Close Position: Close your position and withdraw tokens by clicking the π button in the positions section
If you close your position before the cooldown period ends, an early withdrawal fee may apply